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Collagen production in bone fractures: CALCA FRAC TAB

Calca Frac Tablet, a combination of CISSUS QUADRANGULARIS + CALCIUM + CYNOCOBALAMIN + L-METHYLFOLATE + MORINGA + PYRIDOXINE + VIT D3, provides essential nutrients and promotes collagen production in bone fractures.



Why Choose Calca Frac Tablet for Bone Health?


Calca Frac Tablet offers a synergistic blend of CISSUS QUADRANGULARIS, Calcium, CYNOCOBALAMIN, L-METHYLFOLATE, MORINGA, PYRIDOXINE and VIT D3, that work together to support bone health. By providing essential nutrients, promoting collagen production in bone fractures, reducing inflammation and enhancing mineral absorption, Calca Frac Tablet offers comprehensive support for multiple aspects of bone health.

As we age, maintaining strong and healthy bones becomes increasingly important. Our bones provide support, protect vital organs, and allow us to move freely. However, factors such as poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyles and hormonal changes can lead to weakened bones and increased risk of fractures. Thankfully, there are supplements available that can help support bone health, such as Calca Frac Tablet. In this article, we will explore the composition in Calca Frac Tablet and how they work synergistically to promote collagen production in bone fractures.

Let’s take a closer look at these compositions and their benefits.


Benefits of CISSUS QUADRANGULARIS in Bone Health


CISSUS QUADRANGULARIS, also known as “bone setter”, has been used for centuries in medicine to promote bone healing. This powerful herb contains compounds that have been shown to stimulate the production of collagen, a protein essential for bone strength. Additionally, CISSUS QUADRANGULARIS has anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce pain and inflammation associated with bone fractures.


Role of Calcium in Maintaining Strong Bones


Calcium is perhaps the most well-known nutrient for bone health. It is the main mineral found in bones and teeth and is essential for their strength and structure. Calcium not only helps build strong bones during childhood and adolescence but also plays a crucial role in maintaining bone density throughout adulthood. Adequate calcium intake can help prevent osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weak and brittle bones.


How CYNOCOBALAMIN, Vitamin B12, supports bone health?


CYNOCOBALAMIN, also known as vitamin B12, is essential for bone health. It plays a crucial role in the production of red blood cells, which transport oxygen and nutrients to the bones. Additionally, CYNOCOBALAMIN helps regulate the levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that, when elevated, can increase the risk of bone fractures. Adequate intake of CYNOCOBALAMIN is especially important for older adults, as they are more prone to vitamin B12 deficiency.


L-METHYLFOLATE: An Essential Nutrient for Bone Formation


L-METHYLFOLATE, a bioactive form of folate, is vital for bone formation and collagen production in bone fractures . It is involved in the production of DNA and RNA, which are necessary for the growth and repair of bone tissue. L-METHYLFOLATE also helps regulate homocysteine levels, promoting bone health. Adequate folate intake is important for individuals of all ages, as it supports optimal bone growth and maintenance.


Benefits of MORINGA for Bone Health


MORINGA, also known as the “miracle tree”, is a nutritional powerhouse that offers numerous health benefits, including bone support. This superfood is rich in essential minerals like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are all vital for bone health. Additionally, MORINGA contains high levels of antioxidants, which help protect the bones from oxidative stress and inflammation. Including MORINGA in your diet or as part of a supplement like Calca Frac Tablet can provide valuable support for your bones.


How PYRIDOXINE, Vitamin B6, Contributes to Bone Health?


PYRIDOXINE, also known as vitamin B6, plays a crucial role in bone metabolism. It is involved in the conversion of amino acids into collagen, the main protein found in bones. PYRIDOXINE also helps regulate the levels of homocysteine, supporting bone health. Adequate intake of PYRIDOXINE is important for maintaining strong and healthy bones throughout life.


VITAMIN D3: The Sunshine Vitamin for Bone Strength


VIT D3, also known as the “sunshine vitamin”, is essential for bone health. It helps the body absorb calcium from the diet and plays a key role in bone mineralization. VITAMIN D3 deficiency is a common concern, especially in regions with limited sunlight exposure. Supplementation with VIT D3, such as in Calca Frac Tablet, can ensure optimal levels for strong and healthy bones.


How Calca Frac Tablet Works?


Calca Frac Tablet promotes collagen production in bone fractures. The combination of CISSUS QUADRANGULARIS, Calcium, CYNOCOBALAMIN, L-METHYLFOLATE, MORINGA, PYRIDOXINE and VIT D3 addresses multiple aspects of bone health, including bone formation, collagen production, inflammation reduction and mineral absorption. By combining these ingredients, Calca Frac Tablet provides comprehensive support for strong and healthy bones.