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Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase Tablets: Prace SP

Analgesic & NASAID Range

Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase Tablets: Prace SP

prace sp: Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase Tablet uses

Use of Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase Tablets


Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase Tablet is a pain relieving tablet used in conditions like arthritis, muscle pain, postoperative pain, spondylitis, muscle sprains, strains, bursitis, tendonitis, toothache, menstrual pain and fever, among others. Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase Tablets provides instant relief from pain and inflammation. It is a combination of three potent drugs that work together to provide effective relief from various types of pain and inflammation.

Aceclofenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It blocks the production of prostaglandins that cause inflammation and pain in the body. Paracetamol is an analgesic (pain reliever) and antipyretic (fever reducer). It works by blocking the release of certain chemical messengers that cause pain and fever. Serratiopeptidase is an enzyme that breaks down proteins in the body that cause pain and inflammation, aids in reducing swelling and improving blood circulation at the site of pain.

Prace SP is a combination of Aceclofenac + Paracetamol + Serratiopeptidase and provides relief from all kinds of pain and inflammation.


Reduces pain and inflammation


The primary use of Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase tablets (Prace SP) is to provide relief from pain and inflammation. This can be pain resulting from injuries, surgeries or diseases. For example, these tablets can be used for reducing discomfort after dental procedures or for managing the pain associated with arthritis.


Reduces fever


The Paracetamol component in these tablets is well known for its ability to reduce fever. Therefore, these tablets are used in managing fever conditions.


Relieve rheumatoid arthritis pain


These tablets are commonly used to relieve the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disorder. It help to reduce the pain, swelling and joint stiffness associated with this condition.


In spondylitis pain


This is a type of arthritis that specifically affects the spine. The tablets can help to alleviate the chronic pain and discomfort associated with Ankylosing Spondylitis.


To reduce osteoarthritis pain and swelling


Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase tablets help to reduce the pain and swelling associated with degenerative joint disease, Osteoarthritis.


Manages musculoskeletal pain


Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase tablets manages musculoskeletal pain, which includes conditions like muscle sprains, strains, bursitis and tendonitis.


Postoperative pain


The tablets are also used for the management of postoperative pain, that occurs as a result of surgical operations.


Reduces swelling


The Serratiopeptidase in these tablets is an enzyme that break down proteins at the site of inflammation and promotes the drainage of fluid, thus promoting the reduction of swelling.


Relief from menstrual pain


Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase tablets can also be used for the relief of pain during menstruation.


Benefits of Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase Tablets


The primary use of Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase tablets (APST) is in relieving pain and reducing inflammation. This can be particularly beneficial for conditions that involve chronic pain, such as arthritis. The medication’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling and stiffness, improving mobility and quality of life.

Apart from arthritis, APST Tablets are also used for dental pain, menstrual pain, headache, muscle pain and postoperative pain. Additionally, they can be used to reduce fever. The wide range of uses makes APST Tablets a versatile medication in pain management.


How do Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase Tablets Work?


Aceclofenac inhibits the production of prostaglandins, a chemical responsible for pain and inflammation. Prostaglandins are chemical messengers that are produced in pain and inflammation in the body in response to tissue damage or injury. When tissue damage or inflammation occurs, COX enzymes convert arachidonic acid into prostaglandins resulting in pain. By inhibiting COX enzymes, aceclofenac reduces the production of prostaglandins, thereby decreasing pain and inflammation. Paracetamol acts centrally in the brain to relieve pain and reduce fever. Serratiopeptidase enhances the overall effectiveness of the medication by breaking down proteins causing inflammation, thus promoting faster healing.

This mechanism of action makes aceclofenac an effective treatment for various conditions that involve pain and inflammation, such as arthritis, sprains, strains, and menstrual pain.
For example, in the case of arthritis, the joints are inflamed, and prostaglandins contribute to the pain and swelling. Aceclofenac can help alleviate these symptoms by reducing the levels of prostaglandins in the affected area.

This unique combination allows for a multi-prolonged approach to pain management, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of pain. This makes APST Tablets a preferred choice for many healthcare professionals when prescribing pain relief medication.


Side Effects of Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase Tablets


Side effects of Aceclofenac Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase tablets are:

  1. nausea or vomiting
  2. allergic reactions
  3. gastrointestinal issues
  4. kidney problems

However, the majority of these side effects occur in a minority of patients and are usually manageable. It’s important to note that not everyone experiences these side effects, and they often subside as your body adjusts to the medication. If you do experience persistent or severe side effects, consult your doctor immediately.